Why You Can’t Switch Chords Well

“Just smoothing it out.” I will share a very common scenario most guitar teachers can relate to. A new adult student comes into your schedule. In the first interaction with this new student, you learn a bit about their musical background. They tell you about the music they love and want to learn. In some […]

Conquering Bar Chords

How to beat the biggest beginner guitarist’s arch enemy For as long as I have been playing guitar, people have come up to me and talked about their own experience learning, attempting, or failing at learning the guitar. One of the most common points that people seemed to fail or quit at were bar chords. […]

Can I learn the guitar if I’m not talented?

                                    The plight of the self-declared “non-musically Inclined” Every superhero origin story has its mythology. They have their unsuspecting normal person who suddenly realizes they have superpowers. All of a sudden, someone can fly! Or they have Spidey sense! Enter Hollywood’s (Marvel and DC) idea of how talent or superpowers are born. And society’s warped concept […]